new showroom & outlet store opening 19th august - 50 Saleyards Road, otahuhu. 9 am - 3 pm, Mon - Fri

High Performing Soft Wax - Clear

High Performing Soft Wax - Clear


Size: 500ml


Description:  High-performing clear wax has little to no smell and is engineered to work cohesively with the Premium Chalk Paint range. Apply with one of the Natural Bristle Brushes and wipe back; you can work in reasonable size sections and it will seal your finish ensuring it is what repellent and wipeable from marks. 

Also designed to make Artisan coloured waxes to add depth, age, patina, and effect to your furniture. Mix in an estimated visual 50/50 with our highly pigmented Premium Chalk Paint and the coloured wax options are endless; you can even apply two or three.

Can also be used as a sealer for natural wood.

